Hermès Rare & Unique Handbags
190 products
In addition to the exquisite craftsmanship and extraordinary quality leathers from which they are made, the scarcity of Hermès luxury handbags has made them the most coveted bags across the globe. This is true for all Hermès bags, especially the storied Birkin and Kelly bags.
But among these treasured accessories are a few models that are the rarest and most sought after, based on their design and the materials used to make them. We’re proud to offer you our curated collection of rare Hermès bags.
Some of these unique handbags, including rare Birkin and Kelly bags, were created as Hermès Special Order bags, also known as Horse Shoe Stamp (HSS) bags. These represent Hermès VIP’s developing à la carte handbags — a Holy Grail for any Hermès aficionado. Bi-color designs, new leather-and-hardware combinations abound.
Yet other rare Hermès bags showcase the extraordinary Hermès design capabilities unleashed. When price is no obstacle and beauty is the only goal, why not marry hand-dyed exotic skin Nilo crocodile with diamond-encrusted hardware? Himalaya diamond-encrusted Birkins are among the most prized and rare Birkin bags. And as much as we admire the design house’s sense of elegance, some beloved rare Hermès bags feature the brand’s sense of whimsy, instead. Consider the “Quelle Idol” Kelly Doll bag, designed by former Hermès chairman Jean-Louis Dumas, a 15cm handbag with a smiling face and bendable arms and feet.
Rare Birkin and Kelly Bags for Sale
In addition to HSS bags, our rare Birkin and Kelly bags include limited edition styles like the Sac Faubourg, the wicker Picnic Birkin, the So Black Birkin, the Kelly Au Gallop and the Doblis Birkin — all magnificent examples of the unique skills of the artisans of the House of Hermès.
Some of our rare Hermès bags are vintage or pre-loved, pieces no longer produced — others are store fresh. All are guaranteed authentic and available for shipping within 24 hours of payment.READ MORE