If you’re looking to sell or consign your designer bag, jewelry or accessories, entrust it to the care and knowledge of people who know luxury — Madison Avenue Couture. Madison Avenue Couture is one of the leading sellers and buyers of Hermès and Chanel handbags and accessories in the secondary market. We bring our years of experience and expertise buying and selling designer bags to evaluating your bags so that we can offer you the best price. We specialize in selling store fresh luxury bags, so we prefer to purchase never worn, pristine bags outright. We also accept recently produced and vintage pre-owned bags in excellent to like new condition. We also specialize in jewelry and accessories, and purchase both new and vintage pieces.

How We Determine the Price We Offer

When you contact us to sell your designer bag or jewelry, we request that you provide us with as much details as possible – condition, year of production, accompaniments, as well as photographs. We also ask for your price expectations to ensure that we are in sync.  

The cash payment price we offer you is based on the style’s popularity, the item’s condition, the item’s age, the estimated time to sell the item, prices of comparable pieces on the market, among other factors.  

All purchase prices are negotiated on an item-by-item basis, but typically we pay between 75% and 85% of our estimate of the item’s selling price, depending on its dollar value.  

Sale vs. Consignment

While we try to offer outright purchase as often as possible, there are items that we prefer to take on consignment.  These are smaller leather goods, exotics and pre-owned bags.  Consigned bags are handled and marketed the same way as owned bags and the time to sale is typically the same as owned bags.  

When we offer the option of outright purchase or consignment, you have the potential for a greater payout with consignment.  Therefore, consignment may be a preferable option for those seeking to maximize the return on their bags. 

How to Consign or Sell with Madison Avenue Couture

Whether you’re looking to sell a store fresh Hermès or Chanel bag like a Birkin or a Kelly bag or to consign a wallet, piece of jewelry or a pre-owned bag, our procedure is the same: 

  Step 1 – Submit Your Item Information & Get An Estimate
  • Please complete our selling form below, describing the designer bag or item you’re selling, including the brand, the type, the year of production, the condition, and all accompaniments. 

  • If you have price expectations, please include them. 

  • Add one or more photos — You can upload up to six at one time. 

  • We will contact you within 2-3 days with an estimate.  If we have additional questions, we will reach out within 1-2 days.  

Step 2 – Send The Bag or Item
  • If you like our estimate, we will send you a contract and a pre-paid label for shipping. Shipping and insurance are free to you.

  • All boxes and their contents must be packed securely. We suggest using bubble wrap or plastic recycling bags to reduce the risk of damage.

Step 3 – Get Paid
  • When we receive your designer handbag, we will inspect it to ensure it is in the condition as described and it is authentic.  If necessary, we will refine our estimate and contact you with the final price.

  • On agreement, you will be paid typically within five business days.

  • The form of payment is your option, but typically payments are made via electronic check (ACH) or bank wire.

    If you prefer to consign your luxury bags or item rather than sell them to us outright, please indicate that when submitting your request for an estimate. We will be happy to provide an estimated quote for the consignment option.

    At Madison Avenue Couture, we offer the most personalized way to sell or consign your designer bags or jewelry.

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