Pre-owned Chanel Bags
41 products
We’re seeing a renewed appreciation for pre-owned and vintage luxury handbags, and pre-owned Chanel bags are among the most popular. Fashion-savvy women across the globe appreciate the timeless elegance of the designs and the exceptional quality of the materials and artisanship. By giving these beautiful accessories a new life, collectors engage in sustainable fashion and avoid the recent Chanel price increases on new releases.
There are also special bags that are impossible to acquire new. Runway bags are produced in limited numbers and only for a single-season bag. Certain colors, like the 2018 summer Emerald Green caviar classic flap and the 2022 cruise Rose Clair caviar classic flap have been single season. Finally, there are still coveted discontinued bags like the Grand Shopping Tote (GST) and the Petite Shopping Tote (PST).
Purchasing and wearing a previously loved or pre-owned Chanel bag celebrates the extraordinary care devoted to every facet of these precious jewels. Each bag is primarily handcrafted by highly trained artisans. It can take 15 skilled professionals 18 hours to craft a single handbag. Every detail is precisely perfected, from the choice of Chanel leather or fabric to the meticulous quilting. In fact, the sheer perfection of each detail is key to authenticating any Chanel bag.
Pre-owned Chanel Bags for Sale
As you browse our curated collection of Chanel pre-owned bags, you’ll discover a wide range of classic styles and whimsical fashion or runway bags. Choose from Classic Flap bags, Boy bags, chic vanity bags, and more playful designs. Coco Chanel believed every woman deserved to enjoy beauty, luxury, and a fun take on style. A lambskin Chanel backpack? A rattan and wicker shoulder bag? How about an elegant evening bag inspired by an old-fashioned toolbox? Yes, please!
Every previously pre-owned Chanel purse in our collection is in mint or excellent condition. We examine every detail — from the iconic, interlocking CC logo to the inside of the interior love letter compartment — to ensure the bag is up to our standards. Each pre-owned Chanel bag we offer has been cherished as the wearable work of art that it is. Are you ready to give one a new home?
Pre-owned Chanel Bags FAQs
What is the condition of the pre-owned Chanel bags?
At Madison Avenue Couture, we offer pre-owned Chanel bags in very good, mint, or excellent condition. We scrutinize every seam, chain link, stitch, and pocket to ensure the bag meets our exacting standards before offering it to a client. We take closeup photos of every detail and the smallest signs of wear. Read all about our condition descriptions or contact our concierge department for more information about a specific bag.
How do I know the Chanel bags are authentic?
We guarantee every one of our luxury handbags and preloved Chanel bags is 100% authentic. Our staff includes a team of expert authenticators, and we also work with three third-party authentication services to ensure we provide only genuine bags. Every purchase from Madison Avenue Couture comes with a complete money-back guarantee in the unlikely event that one of the authenticators we work with judges a bag to be counterfeit.
Can I return a pre-owned Chanel bag if I change my mind?
You can return a pre-owned Chanel bag in the precise condition in which it was sold. Please contact us within 48 hours of receipt to arrange a prompt return for store credit.
How can I care for my pre-owned Chanel bag to ensure its longevity?
To keep your pre-owned Chanel bag looking its best, love it and wear it, but don’t overfill it. Avoid touching the leather with lotion or perfume on your hands. Protect it from the elements, and wipe it down with a soft microfiber cloth. Store the bag with any chains inside so they don’t create an imprint on the leather. Remove your belongings to avoid imprinting the leather, and stuff the bag with acid-free tissue paper to maintain its shape. Store the bag in a cool, dark, dry place.