Hermès Accessories
95 products
We tend to think of Hermès as the home of the ultimate in luxury handbags, particularly the Birkin and the Kelly bags. But Hermès accessories are nearly as famous and just as chic. Like the storied handbags, Hermès accessories pay homage to the design house’s heritage as an elite harness and leatherworks for the equestrian set in Paris.
Hermès bag accessories include adorable leather charms that dangle from the strap of the luxury bag, adding a splash of whimsy in the shape of a horse, pegasus, tiger, sandal, or shopping bag. The Hermès Mini Kelly Twilly Bag charm is as chic and sophisticated as a teeny, tiny Kelly could be. Another Hermès bag accessory that further personalizes your Kelly bag is the Pocket Bag Strap, a broad, removal leather strap featuring a credit card or badge holder that adds a sporty vibe.
Hermès Accessories for Sale
Not all Hermès accessories are related to Hermès bags. Hermès bracelets like the Printed Enamel bracelets and the Clic Clac bracelets make a chic statement worn alone or stacked with other bracelets. The Collier de Chien bracelet was inspired by a customer’s desire to have a fashionable dog collar made for her bulldog. In time, the design house created the stylish bracelet complete with the pyramid-shaped studs and center O-ring that adorned the dog’s collar.
Today, the Hermès CDC is perhaps the world’s most sought-after luxury bracelet, much like the Birkin among handbags. Hermès watches are another example of an Hermès accessory that combines the luxury leatherworks with exceptionally beautiful hardware of precious metals.
Explore our expertly curated collection of Hermès accessories for sale. Our store-fresh Hermès jewelry, belts, handbag organizers, bag charms, and more offer a variety of ways to enjoy and celebrate your love for Hermès.